The Right

"He did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight and followed the example of his ancestor David. He did turn away from doing what was right." II Chronicles 34

Ugh! Once again, the delicious comfort food in front of me was just too much for me to resist. Why can't healthy foods be comfort foods? Big sugar and carb content foods are just so good, too good if you ask me. Somehow turnips and tuna don't bring the same feeling as french fries and a Frosty. Turning away from the right foods is not hard to do. After all, the wrong foods are easily accessible, cheap and taste so good -- buttery crust hot apple pie with ice cream anyone?    

Josiah, the boy king, seemed to be born with a spiritual true north. Undoubtedly, there were some godly influences in his life. At eight years old, recess is still the highlight of the day - not administrating a nation. At 16, however, he made a choice. It's a choice available to all of us actually. He chose to seek the Lord. Seeking the Lord is expressed in any number of ways -- obedience to his commands, asking him before acting, reading his word, rejecting any other "gods" to name just a few. 

Josiah refused to turn away from doing what was right. This statement shocked me as the struggle for 99.99% of us is turning away from what is wrong! Not him. He would not turn from that which honored God. This reality implies he knew what was right and that he believed the best life for him and the nation would be experienced by doing it. He believed the cost of turning away from that which was right was a price far too costly to pay. What do you and I believe? 


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