Wrongs and Rights

 "Even to have such lawsuits with one another is a defeat for you. Why not just accept the injustice and leave it at that? Why not let yourselves be cheated? Instead you yourselves are the ones who do wrong and cheat even your fellow believers." I Cor. 6:7-8

Frustrated, I find myself muttering under my breath, as I have once again, managed to get my extension cord all tangled and knotted up. I thought for sure, when I rolled it up so carefully the last time I used it, that all would be well this time. Nope. Loops and knots. Knots and loops. Running the end through one loop makes a knot with the other. It turns a straight forward project into an aggravating time consumer. Hmm... maybe that's why they make those extension cord holders?

As Paul wrote the Corinthian church, they were all tangled up as well. Wrong was right and right was wrong. Their worldly pasts were driving their Jesus following present and it was a mess. What do you do when you're wronged? Take them to court of course! No, that's wrong. Hey, we're free to be wrong so let's be wrong all day long. Nope, that wouldn't be right. Finally, he reminds them, "You don't own you! Jesus does. Every thought, word and deed should work to bring glory to God." Knot untangled.

Loving this world through surrendering to its thinking will leave our lives utterly tangled. God's word/truth will become very pliable. We'll manipulate it to fit our predetermined conclusions and preferences. Why? We want the Savior without the Lord. We know we're not "perfect" so we come to Jesus for forgiveness, but as far as who's calling the shots, it's me, myself and I. It's a game Paul says that will leave all who play it not only tangled in knots, but left out of the Kingdom of God. 


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