Prepare the Way


"He is a voice of one shouting in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord's coming! Clear the road for him!'" Mark 1:1-15

"Make sure your chin strap in is on tight. You don't want your helmet spinning over your face when we hit the rapids. Keep your hand on the very end of your paddle. If you don't, a bounce will send that paddle handle right into your teeth." I appreciated those coaching tips and the others our whitewater river raft guide gave us. I kind of like seeing where I'm going, not to mention keeping my teeth! Adventure preparation at its best.

John the Baptist had a big job. He was the one charged to clear off the debris of religious hypocrisy, sin accommodation and spiritual apathy. The hearts of the people simply weren't prepared for Jesus' arrival. His message was straight forward. "Turn from sin! Turn to God for forgiveness!" It was a message of truth and grace. The truth - You're a sinner and far from God. The grace - God loves to forgive and bring you near.  

Before Jesus returned to heaven, he gave his disciples John the Baptist's job. Prepare the way for Jesus' return. It's a job responsibility every believer in Jesus has assigned to them. He's coming back. Are we ready? Are we helping others get ready? How do we help others get ready? Great question to consider. Without a doubt, part of the answer includes sharing the same message of truth and grace that John did. 


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