Stay On Point

"And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" Matthew 25:31-46


"Okay, who started that one?", I ask. With a sly grin, one of my fellow staff members raises his hand. They're known as "rabbit trails". An erratic, off topic verbal meandering that chews up time, but doesn't accomplish anything. Secretly, I don't mind very much. We typically end up giggling like kids who are trying to be quiet in church, but they just can't. It's a sign of a healthy team revealing no one is taking themselves too seriously.

However, what is relatively harmless in a meeting (rabbit trails) can be absolutely devastating in our relationship with Jesus. Here in this parable, Jesus reveals a judgement day reality. Love for others expressed in tangible service reveals a heart that has been transformed by an authentic relationship with Jesus. "Welcome home!", Jesus will tell those who have been loving others. "I don't know you.", to those who haven't.

This message seems quite straightforward, doesn't it? Many have come to this parable and said, "Well, who are these brothers and sisters? Is Jesus speaking to Jewish people only, followers of Jesus only or people in general?" Great debate ensues, but no one is served. A dangerous rabbit trail. In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus already answered the question when he was asked, "Who is my neighbor?" We are to serve wherever serving is needed. In the Matt. 25 parable, he shocked everyone when he said, "By the way, it was me who you served or didn't serve." Let's help each other stay on point.


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