A Roundabout Way

"So, God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus, the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle." Exodus 13:17-22; 14

"Where in the world is this GPS taking us?", I asked myself. As directionally challenged as I am, even I could sense we were wandering far from the most direct route. We went through neighborhoods, entered and exited smaller highways just to arrive right back at the same highway we were on thirty minutes ago. However, as we went over the overpass to get back onto the highway, we could see behind us flashing lights and traffic backed up for miles. 

The people of Israel's GPS was three-fold, Moses, God's pillar of cloud/fire and his angel (Ex. 14:19). Wow! Avoiding the Philistines? Okay. However, when the Lord had them circle back and pin themselves in between the water and Pharoah's chariots, something felt more than a little off. Those who had just left Egypt "with fists raised in defiance" (Ex. 14:8) were now in a full-blown panic. What happened next simply defies explanation and understanding.

As unusual as this story is, it is also eerily familiar isn't it? Jesus told us that he is the Way and commanded us to follow him. And, just like the ancient Israelites and Jesus' disciples, we see far "better" paths to walk than the one he's walking. His are roundabout. His are difficult. His defy our understanding. His require the abandonment of ourselves. And yet, God willing, we'll one day mature to the place where we fully embrace the liberating truth that the paths and the destinations are far less important than the One with whom we are walking.


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