
"Tell Archippus: 'See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.'" Colossians 4:17

As I rounded the second turn, it occurred to me that I was not only in last place, but I was in last place by a lot. My fragile little 8th grade ego was not prepared to face the humiliation of such an embarrassing defeat. So, I simply just walked off the track unnoticed as I was so far behind. At a meet later in the year, another slow sap got picked to run the same race and found himself in the same dust eating place I had been. However, instead of quitting, he tightened his jaw and gave it all that he had. To my surprise, no one made fun of him. No insults or slow jokes. Instead, they cheered. I cheered! Not a little ho-hum cheer; I mean we yelled at the top of our lungs. He was the only one left on the track and we cheered for him more than the kid who won. Hmm ... it seems perseverance and courage moves even the junior high crowd.

In our verse for the day, Paul forever immortalized a man named Archippus. In short, he told him to finish the race. No stopping. No delays. No excuses. God gave you a job. Now, get it done. We don't know if this word was a rebuke, a reminder, an encouragement, or some of all three. We do know, however, that completing his work was important enough for Paul to send him a reminder.

You and I have been given assignments as well. In Ephesians 2, Paul calls these good works that God prepared for us to do a long time ago. I wonder how many unfinished works are scattered around our lives. Be encouraged today by this truth - "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Let's not walk off the track when the going gets tough. Let's finish strong.

Grace and Peace,



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