
"... I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return." II Timothy 1:12

On a regular basis, I meet with my financial adviser. Given the not so bigness of the finances under discussion, our conversations are pretty short and sweet. We make sure my life insurance coverage is at the appropriate levels and that the funds I'm invested in are returning what we need them to in order to reach our retirement goals, etc. It's all pretty typical planning, implementing, and monitoring type activity. Mostly, we just enjoy each other's company and catch up with what's happening with our families. If, however, someone were to ask me, "Why are you working with him?" It would come down to a three word answer, "I trust him." Fundamentally, I trust him because I know him. I don't believe for a second that he would do anything to harm my family or me. Trust is a big deal.

In our scripture today, Paul reveals that trust was a big deal for him as well. Being a prisoner at the time, with the end of his life in view, he had some time and motivation to think about the one in whom he had put his trust -- Jesus. Paul had entrusted Jesus with far more than a few dollars. He had given him his life and his eternal soul. "Paul", we may ask, "Why do you trust him?" His reasoning would come down to a three word answer, "I know him."

Often times in life, we are going to come to moments of decision where what we want, and what we feel, and what the world around us is saying is diametrically opposed to what God has said in his word. What we choose to do in those moments reveals exactly where we have placed our trust. My hope and prayer for my family and yours is not so much that we can leave them an inheritance someday, but rather that they get to know Jesus so well that trusting him is as natural as breathing.

Grace and Peace,



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