Hope That is Bold

Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. - 2 Corinthians 3:12

People cannot shut up about things that they are looking forward to. When was the last time you had a co-worker or family member that was headed to a tropical island, and didn't taunt you with it each day before they left?

We love talking about that which we are looking forward to, and we don't care who hears it.

When was the last time you were like that when it came to your faith in Jesus? When was the last time you were unafraid to talk about what God was teaching you and what he was doing in your life? Most of us are a little bored with our faith, and to be sure, it doesn't have anything to do with God being lackluster. Maybe we are bored because we have ceased to engage God like we did before.

Challenge for today?

Recapture that passion for reading, studying, and applying what you find in the Bible. Hit your knees in prayer at the end of the day. Interact with the God who loves you more than you can fathom.

It will be impossible to contain what you experience, and what you have to look forward to in heaven.


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