Amazing Jesus

“Now the highly valued slave of a Roman officer was sick and near death. When the officer heard about Jesus, he sent some respected Jewish leaders to ask him to come and heal his slave. ... So Jesus went with them. But just before they arrived at the house, the officer sent some friends to say, 'Lord, don't trouble yourself by coming to my home, for I am not worthy of such an honor. ... Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. ... When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to the crowd, he said, 'I tell you, I haven't seen faith like this in all the land of Israel!' And when the captain's friends returned to his house, they found the slave completely healed." Luke 7:1-10

When was the last time you were absolutely and utterly amazed? I've recently witnessed entire households receive Jesus as their Savior and be baptized. I've looked into the eyes of a dying friend and seen not only peace that passes understanding, but also joy in their knowledge that the best was yet to come. Our family has been met with unexpected provision again and again and again. Amazing!

So, what amazes Jesus? Seriously. He created the world out of nothing. He holds it in place. While he walked on earth, he walked on water. He healed the lame, the blind, the deaf, and the leprous. He cast out demons. He commanded the winds and the waves. Could he have honestly been amazed at anyone of us? Read the verses again. Jesus, the Son of God, was amazed. The unflinching, absolute and uncompromising faith of a gentile soldier literally stopped Jesus in his tracks. Amazing!

I wonder ... Are there any today who are amazing Jesus? More personally ... Are we amazing Jesus? It is possible. Those who are amazing Jesus today already knew that. For the rest of us, the bar has been set high by a 1st century Roman officer. What do you say we step up and take our place at his side on the honor roll of faith?

Grace and Peace,



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