The Greater

"That night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision.  Then Daniel praised the God of heaven, saying, 'Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he alone has all wisdom and power.  He determines the course of world events; he removes kings and sets others on the throne.  He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.'"  Daniel 2:19-21

I like to keep tabs on current events.  It's no fun being the last to know.  However, I treat current events much the same way I treat my speedometer when I'm driving.  I glance at it every once in awhile, but I don't dwell on it.  The greater issue is the road in front of me, namely that I remain on it.  So, that's where I focus.

Daniel had quite a ride with God during his turn on the earth.  He served in the circle of the powerful.  He walked with the great kings of Babylon, but never once did he lose sight of the Greater.  He knew those sitting on their thrones were there only because God allowed them to be.  He also knew they could and probably would be removed at any time.  He glanced at them, but he focused on God.

There is so much noise in our world today.  The evil.  The hatred.  The fear.  The anger.  It beckons us into its turmoil.  Add to this life extinguishing sludge our own personal chaos and we can quickly find ourselves crashing down the steep embankment of despair. It's here where Daniel would call us to look up a little higher, to redirect our gaze to the one who is greater, to the one who alone possesses all wisdom and power.  Allow this soul quickening truth to fuel your days:  God, the Greater, is both with you and for you.

Grace and Peace,



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