
"Son of man, you live among rebels, who could see the truth if they wanted to, but they don't want to.  They could hear me if they would listen, but they won't listen because they are rebellious."  Ezekiel 12:2 

Every once in awhile, I'll hear this sound coming from somewhere way in the distance accompanied by a fuzzy image of someone's face.  After a few moments of intense investigation, I'll realize that the sound is the voice of the person sitting or standing nearby who is also the owner of the fuzzy face that I can now see clearly.  It's not that my senses are fading in and out, it's more a function of my will choosing to disengage.  It's amazing how often this phenomena occurs during a football game...

God spoke to Ezekiel about the people's attention problem.  Their problem wasn't a simple distraction.  It was rebellion.  Truth was right in front of them, but they wouldn't look at it.  The words of life were ringing in their ears, but they wouldn't hear it.  We find out in the rest of the chapter that being unwilling to embrace truth does not end well...

Sometimes, I don't want to hear what somebody has to say.  What about you?  Sometimes, I want the truth of a situation to be something different than what it really is.  What about you?  While teaching, Jesus revealed himself as the Truth.  How about that?  Truth is a person.  Truth speaks.  Soul freedom awaits all those who are willing to both fix their eyes on him and listen to what he says.  Are you?

Grace and Peace,



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