
"If a person is ashamed of me and my message, I, the Son of Man, will be ashamed of that person when I return in my glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels."  Luke 9:26

We've all been in those, "Share your most embarrassing moment" conversations.  Stories range from misspoken words to inappropriate actions to anything else imaginable.  Laughter normally follows the stories, which is the point of course.  There are, however, shamed filled moments that are no laughing matter.

In our verse for the day, Jesus mentions the most important ... shame for knowing him and for following what he says.  To be ashamed of him and his word sets us up for a bad day when he returns in all of his glory.  He will be ashamed of us.

O my ... I don't know about you, but I really really do not want to be one of Jesus' "most embarrassing moments" stories.  What are we doing or not doing that betrays a shame for Jesus in our hearts?  What are we valuing so much that we are willing to be ashamed of Jesus to protect it?  I'm so thankful that Jesus was willing to suffer shame on that cross for me.  What about you?
Grace and Peace,



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