A Raised Banner

"But you have raised a banner for those who honor you-- a rallying point in the face of attack.  Use your strong right arm to save us, and and rescue our beloved people. ... Oh please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless.  With God's help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes."  Psalm 60:4-5, 11-12

I've had the privilege of personally sitting down and listening to some of our WWII heroes as they recount some of their harrowing experiences in the war.  Grenades. Foxholes. Snipers. Chaos. Confusion.  Scenes of life and death struggle.  One marine told me of walking up the mountain on Iwo Jima.  He watched those in front of him carrying a large flag.  As he made his way out of the jungle into the next clearing ... There it was, waving in the wind.  A rallying point, a banner of hope and victory.

King David, who wrote this Psalm, knew the horrors of war.  He had looked for the rallying point banner in the midst of battle many times. He also knew the battles raging from within - fear, sinful desires, pride, guilt and shame just to name a few.  He knew full well that victory ultimately rested in the hands of God, so to God he turned.

What about us?  The Bible tells us that we have an enemy, the devil, that is a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Jesus told his followers that the world would hate them as they have hated him.  We are also told that we have an internal battle with sin raging as well.  In the face of all these attacks, our banner is Jesus.  Let's fix our eyes on him for it is his strong right arm that is able to save us.
Grace and Peace,



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