Being Loved

"I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

I look forward to going home. My wife and kids are my favorite people on the planet. No matter how many crazy and unhappy events a day may hold, there's something about holding them in my arms that just tells my soul, "Everything's going to be okay." Being loved changes everything.

In our verse for the day, Paul proclaimed this principle from a divine perspective. Jesus' love for us, as declared on the cross, creates a life of confident trust. He loves me so I'll surrender to his leadership. He loves me so I'll take my pain to him instead of blaming him for it. He loves me so I will believe, really believe what he says. He loves me so I matter. Being loved changes everything.

Days of difficulty are upon us all or soon will be. Fear, anger, broken hearts, bitterness, depression, worry and the like haunt our every step. Jesus' love can get lost in the shuffle. I think that's one of the reasons for sunrises and sunsets. Jaw dropping reminders that we are loved. Jesus told us to remember him and what he did for us on the cross through communion. Why? ... to remind us how deeply we are loved. How are we responding to his love these days? Being loved changes everything.    

Grace and Peace,



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