Great Pleasure

"His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure."  Ephesians 1:5 

I am a huge fan of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. What a fantastic idea!  If being too thin was my ailment, the cookie dough ice cream would be my daily medicine.  I treasure in the deepest parts of my heart fall walks in the woods with my sweetheart ... the cool air, the crunch of leaves under our feet.  Priceless.  The beauty of God's creation holds me spellbound ... thundering waterfalls, the brilliantly lit Milky Way, the melodic ocean waves, majestic mountains, and the energetic rivers that roll through the landscape. Pleasure.  We were made to enjoy this mystery called life.  Why?

As it turns out, the One, in who's image we were created, also feels and experiences pleasure.  So, what makes his list?  Our Bible verse for the day reveals one of them - our adoption.  Jesus is the only begotten Child of God.  All the rest of us who have put our faith and trust in Jesus are adopted children.  How wonderful is that!?  We were spiritual orphans separated from the One who made us. but now we're his kids.  We carry his name and his Spirit.  This enfolding gives God "great pleasure."

My prayer is that each of us have been adopted adding to God's pleasure.  As an adoptee, we are now joint-heirs with Jesus, the begotten Son.  We are citizens of heaven and recipients of all the divine promises.  My hope is that these amazing truths bring you great pleasure today.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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