
“When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy these laws on a scroll for himself in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep this copy of the law with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God ... prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he's above others ... prevent him from turning away from these commands ... ensure his reign and his descendants..."  Deuteronomy 17:18-20

Ten years or so ago, I joined with a group of men on a mission trip to one of the island tribes of Panama. We built homes and started construction of a school for the tribe. It was definitely an adventure as we tent camped for 4-5 days and nights. Food, water, and bathroom facilities weren't like home to say the least. I think we only bathed once with soap and that was in the ocean. Being a person who is a big proponent of daily hygiene, this experience was way out of my comfort zone. 

Simply said, there are some activities we should do everyday. 

Given that reality, I was excited to read our verses for the day as God laid out a critical daily spiritual activity for the king of his people. He told the king to read his Bible everyday. In so doing, he would remain humble, in proper relationship with both God and people. In addition, he would faithfully fulfill his responsibilities and set the stage for the next generation. How cool is that!?

The power of the word of God to transform the receptive heart cannot be overstated. It's alive. It's sharp. It's productive in all that is good. Very few of us would go a day without brushing our teeth, showering or wearing deodorant. I get that. I don't get why we are so willing to neglect a daily activity that has such incredible impact both now and for eternity. Let's ask God to help us. 

Grace and Peace, 

Tom Wiles


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