“He took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the kings's prisoners were held. But the Lord was with Joseph there, too, and he granted Joseph favor with the jailer." Genesis 39:20-21
Heartbroken, I made my way back home. All visions of future visits and deeper relationship evaporated in the face of the cold hard reality that this young lady was no longer interested in spending time with me. I felt sad, rejected and alone. Thankfully, God met me there in my sadness. In addition to that gift, the very next girl I would connect with would eventually be my "till death do us part."
Joseph knew rejection and sadness too. In addition, he was betrayed, lied about, and thrown unjustly into prison. Dark days to be sure. In that place of darkness, however, he was not abandoned. He was not outside of God's favor. He found his most difficult of roads was not one he had travel alone.
We all have difficult stretches to walk in this life. Some we've created. Some others have created. And still others have been created by a world experiencing the consequences of sin. Regardless, the fact remains God is with us. His grace or favor will never depart from us. Even unto our last breath and beyond, God is there.
Grace and Peace,
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