Such People

“while Jesus was having a meal in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and other outcasts came and joined Jesus and his disciples at the table. Some Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with such people?"

One evening during my youth ministry days, I remember staring at this kid showing up to youth group and I said, "Uh-O." He had these clothes that were torn and oddly assembled with a dog collar and matching wrist collars. It was his hair, however, that really captured my attention. He had a mohawk made of five to six ten inch high multi-colored spikes. "Better keep an eye on him", I said to myself. In time, I came to know him as one of the most Jesus-centered teenagers that I had ever met.

Our verses today reveal that prejudice and "better than you" attitudes have been around an awfully long time. Jesus didn't prescribe to that type of thinking. He welcomed anyone. He didn't put up any artificial barriers between himself and others. Crazy thought huh? The outcast was his friend.

I struggle with artificial barriers. What about you? There are all kinds of people in this world, of which, we are only one type. It's easier to be around people like us, but it's not very Jesus like. I wonder where Jesus would hang out today. Even our speculation makes us blush. I must admit, in an honest moment, I'm thrilled that Jesus is willing to spend time with "such people." Why? Because, truth be told, I'm one of them.

Grace and Peace,



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