At Your Door

"'Why are you so angry?' the Lord asked Cain. "Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.'" Genesis 4:6-7

On more than one occasion, I've found myself spinning in circles on icy, snowy roads. I wasn't driving wildly. Just keeping up with traffic, slow traffic given the conditions. The next thing I knew I was spinning like the teacup ride at the amusement park. Thankfully, these rather unsophisticated departures from the highway never resulted in vehicular or bodily harm. By failing to take the necessary extra precautions, I lost control. It's easy to do isn't it?   

Adam and Eve's son Cain was on icy roads going 100 mph and he didn't even know it. Not even divine intervention could convince him to take his foot off the accelerator. Isn't that amazing? God himself warned him, "Look out Cain!" Spiritually deaf ears led to two dead lives, his and his brother Abel's, whom he murdered. Sin got the better of him. He walked out from behind the protection of obedience and "Wham!" -- sin hit him like a freight train. 

Sin and its partner the devil have not gone into retirement. God, through the Bible, his Spirit, and those who are following Jesus continues to give warning as well. People are still choosing either to heed the warning or simply plug their ears. Truth be told, we've done both. Regardless, today is here. Decision time is upon us. Are we alert? Are we engaged with God? Are we living under the protective banner of obedience? Sin must be fought off and with God's help, YOU are just the person for the job. 

Grace and Peace,



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