
"For the word of God will never fail." Luke 1:37

Fail. I don't like that word. I know it's just a word and it's really not fair to single it out. The problem for me is it's attached to way too many negative memories and emotions in my life. Times I didn't come through under pressure. Times I gave in to temptation. Times I hurt the ones I love. Times I trusted in something or someone and they couldn't endure the crucible of testing. Yikes! Maybe just maybe you can appreciate my struggle with the word fail.

Our verse for the day was spoken by one of God's angels. He had front seats to the truthfulness of his proclamation. God's word never fails. Another translation reads, "Nothing is impossible with God." Now that feels a whole better to me. This world is full of pretenders. "Trust me! Trust me!", they say. All we end up with is frustration and disappointment. God's word, however, is better than rock solid. Even mountains crumble given enough pressure, but God's word never will. 

There are no shortage of people in this world proclaiming they know what's best for us. They are convinced all we to do is believe what they do and all will be well. The fundamental problem as I see it is the fact they are not my Creator. Jesus is. He speaks with complete clarity, knowledge, perspective and love. His word is perfect and infallible. It is the light for our feet in a dark and dangerous world. Everything and everyone else including ourselves are destined to fail. Let's choose to take our stand on the eternally stable word of God.


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