
"The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night his knowledge is proclaimed. They speak without a sound or a word; there's no speech or language where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19:1-3

Talking is a big deal in my family. When the 5 kids were young and all at home ... Yikes! The waterfall of words at the dinner table fell unimpeded. Typically, there were at least two talking at all times and there seemed to be this unwritten rule that any story had to be repeated four times. I never did figure that one out, but I did figure out that if I listened closely enough, I would gain great insight into the world of whoever was speaking.  

The Psalmist picked up on this same phenomenon when he looked up. Day or night, it didn't matter. Powerful words were being spoken. The subject of the conversation was and is always the same -- God. When listened to carefully the conversation of creation reveals great insights into who he is and what he is like. And, since he is infinite, the conversation will never run out of fresh content. The creation calls out boldly drawing the attention of every people group on planet earth.

What do you hear when you listen to all that God has made? Perhaps another question should be asked first, "Are you taking time to listen to God's creation?" Any time of day is fine. Just take time to listen. Some serious truths are being revealed even at this very moment that have tremendous implications for our lives. What do you say we take a minute and listen in? 


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