Heart And Body

"A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body ..." Proverbs 14:30

I have a built-in stress gauge. From what I understand, I'm not the only one. Mine is located just under my right shoulder blade. Without me even being aware of it, stress starts to creep in and wreak havoc. It can only go on for so long before my stress gauge goes off. The pain alerts me that a life timeout is needed which begins with a long walk and talk with Jesus.

Solomon, the one who wrote our verse for the day, was no dummy. He was described as the wisest guy ever. Either observationally, or through direct revelation, he knew the mind and body were interconnected. When good or bad hits one side of the connection, the other has a corresponding response. Here, a heart and mind at peace produce a body in good health.

Maybe your stress gauge is in the red zone these days. Headaches, blood pressure rising, panic attacks and the like are built-in alarms that when heeded can direct us to better spaces. Unheeded? Well ... the scientific research speaks for itself. When did you have your last true timeout? Not a vacation. A pause where you and Jesus genuinely worked through some heavy stuff together. Perhaps it's time.  


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