No Secrets

 "Even death and destruction hold no secrets from the Lord. How much more does he know the human heart!" Proverbs 15:11

Foiled again! I had my Mother's Day surprise all figured out. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but sometimes I get it right. This surprise was right. Everything was going according to plan until the routines my plan revolved around were broken. This reality led to those helping me being busted and the whole thing unraveled. It's awfully hard to keep secrets from my sweetheart.

The author of this Proverb appreciated the reality of the difficulty of keeping secrets. The person he had in view, however, wasn't his wife. It was God himself. Death and destruction are fully exposed before God. How much more the intentions, the thoughts, the desires, and the attitudes that lie within our hearts. Full view. Full disclosure.

One side of me is so thankful for that truth. I'm known. I'm understood. The other side of me is intimidated by that. Okay, a little embarrassed. What's lurking in there that shouldn't be? What's stuffed in a closet that I've been trying in vain to hide? What do you say we just lean into this transparency thing, keep short accounts with God, and live a life worthy of our calling?


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