
"Here is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is the duty of every person." Ecclesiastes 12:13

Life is full of conclusions. We conclude high school, college, and apprenticeships. We conclude jobs, projects, and programs. We conclude childhood, our youth, and if we're blessed, our children's childhood and youth. These conclusions are bitter-sweet by any measure. They beg the question, "What's the conclusion behind all the conclusions?" After all, there is one last conclusion for us all ... death.

Solomon was a big thinker. He pondered. He examined. He weighed. He observed and he reached, you guessed it, many conclusions. He ultimately came to one and only one final conclusion. Revere God with a holy fear and obey him with an unwavering determination. In so doing, we fulfill our obligations to him.

Putting our faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins which makes us right with God is the only way to properly fear and obey him. By believing in Jesus, we acknowledge our need to be rescued from God's righteous judgement (fear) and we seize a hold of the one and only command that leads to salvation (obedience). 


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