
"In that day, the wolf and the lamb will lie down together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace. Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions, and a little child will lead them all." Isaiah 11:6

I was looking into the face of my new granddaughter the other day and ended up lost in thought. Someday, I'll be able to have a conversation with her. Someday, I'll get to make up crazy stuff to tell her. Someday, I'll spoil her and then send her home. Someday, I'll cheer when she takes her first steps, rides a bike by herself, and walks across the stage to receive her diploma. There is an inevitability to "someday." It shows up when we least expect it.

As a prophet, Isaiah was well acquainted with someday. God revealed to him what was to come and many things, like our verse for the day, that are still yet to come. Isaiah's someday conversations were meant to, among other things, encourage the discouraged, discipline the undisciplined, and instill hope to the hopeless. Someday conversations move us beyond ourselves and our limited perspectives.

Someday is on its way. All will be made right. There will be peace. Soon, someday will be dropped off at your doorstep and mine and when it is, today will never be in play again. Are we handling our todays in such a way that when someday does come we're all good with it? Will we both know and be unashamed before Jesus the author of all our todays and the one who will personally usher in someday? 


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