"What sorrow awaits those who try to hide their plans from
the Lord, who do their evil deeds in the dark! 'The Lord can't see us', they
say. 'He doesn't know what's going on!'" Isaiah 29:1
"Hide and Go Seek" is a great game. It's a timeless
game of mystery and creativity unless you're playing with a two year old. They
hide in the same place over and over and over again convinced to their core
that you have no idea where they are. They'll even help you find them. All you
have to do is ask.
I have to believe Isaiah had two year old Hide 'n Seek in mind
when he wrote our verse for the day. It was so sad to him that people would
actually think they are out of God's view. "I'm hidden. God can't see me
now!" It's incredible how lobotomizing sin is. He's God! He sees
everything! Isaiah warns that justice delayed is not justice avoided. Sin leads
to sorrow.
What finally happens to a child so that they no longer hide in
the same place or coach the seeker to their location? Simply, they grow up. The
Bible speaks of putting the childish behind and becoming an adult. If we claim
to be a Jesus follower today, what "hiding" do we need to
abandon? If we aren't yet a Jesus follower, be amazed that in spite of all
that God sees happening in the dark, he still loves.
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