The End

"The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." I Peter 4:7-8

Being a part of a family that loves to watch movies, we fancy ourselves as armchair movie critics. We all throw out our two cents about the plot, the pace, the acting, etc, but the thumbs up or thumbs down is disproportionately dependent upon the ending. Lousy ending = Lousy movie. Endings really stick with you.

Peter, who wrote our verses for the day, had an ending in mind when he wrote this particular letter. It wasn't a movie ending though. It was the end of the world. That's right. The big finish of everything. That time when tomorrows will cease. He said it's coming soon. We need to be ready for it. How? Pray. Love. Wow! If we get those two things right, a great ending lies ahead for us.

Peter wrote these words 2000 years ago, but here we still are. It may be another 2000 years before Jesus comes back. I don't know. We may be tempted to disregard or be apathetic about his sense of urgency in the face of that reality, but that would be a mistake. The truth is our personal apocalypse is very, very, very, near. Given that reality, it's past time to turn the temperature up on prayer and loving others.


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