"Let us hold tightly without wavering from the hope we
affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to
motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our
meeting together as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now
that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25
After launching back
into a home Bible study after being out of one for awhile, I was powerfully reminded of the "why." There wasn't any
trembling of the house or angelic appearance. There was no earth shattering
revelations or seismic breakthroughs. It was just simple brothers and sisters
in Jesus together time. We talked, laughed, ate, shared and prayed, but
the sum total was so much more. Why? Jesus was there.
Our verses today remind us that "together in Jesus" is
a big deal. In God's economy, it's not optional. There are no
substitutes. Kingdom advancement requires kingdom members being together
motivating and encouraging one another. Why the urgency of
"together?" Jesus is coming back, very soon. We need to seize
every moment we have for the purposes of God. Without each other, it simply
will not happen.
May I be blunt? Some of you have stopped meeting together with
your brothers and sisters in Christ. Unfortunately, that decision typically
leads to leading your family away as well. You have accepted worldly
alternatives of the "together" experience and have justified your
disconnecting decision in your mind with thoughts like, "Someone was
rude to me", etc. I plead with you with my whole heart and soul, please,
please get reengaged in your church family. For those of you who are
engaged, well done. The blessings of obedience are yours.
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