The Path

"So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw close to God and he will draw close to you... " 
James 4:7-8a

Our family loves to take walks in the woods. When they were too little to walk, they rode on our shoulders. As they grew, they moved up to holding our hands. Eventually, they just took off. Exploring. Searching. Climbing. Running. Pausing only for the occasional photo. We're very excited for the opportunity to repeat this journey with the next generation.

In our verses for the day, James lays out a path towards spiritual maturity. It begins the moment we set our prideful selves aside. God is God. We're not. Immediately we are confronted with a relentless enemy that must be resisted and, with God's help, overcome. Then, we grab a hold of God for all we're worth and in so doing we find his grip on us tightening as well. 

Humble yourself. Resist the devil. Draw close to God. When this happens, we take off. Life's adventure goes into full swing. We soar like eagles. We run and don't grow weary. We walk and don't faint. Our house endures through the most destructive of storms. Of these three steps in the path, which one is challenging you the most these days? What's one thing you can do about it?


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