"Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't
have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; it is chasing the
Many of us suffer from the "almost" malady. It
normally flares up when we're exposed to "more." When we see people
who have more money, nicer cars, bigger homes, better vacations,
and styling clothes we think to ourselves, "Hmm ... I'm almost there,
but not quite." Of course, "there" is a moving target which
leaves us continuously stuck in "almost."
Solomon was the guy who everyone else looked at concluded,
"I'm not there yet." He did have everything. In the midst of having
it all, he discovered that peace wasn't found in having it all, it was found in
enjoying whatever you do have. Comparing ourselves inevitably leaves us
envious. Enjoying ourselves and being thankful for that which God has
provided us leaves us at peace, positioned to love others.
What's driving the discontentment in your world today? It may
not be stuff. It may be our job. It may be our marriage. I don't know, but
discontentment is far more likely to be resolved with a spirit of gratitude
than a change of circumstance. Let's start reshaping and refreshing our
hearts and minds through the biblical practice of giving thanks.
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