"In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a
throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple ... 'My
destruction is sealed, for I am a sinful man and I live among a sinful people
and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.' Then one of the seraphim
flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the
altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, 'See, this coal has touched your
lips. Now your guilt is removed and your sins are forgiven.'" Isaiah
As I pulled over to the side of the road having lost track of
how fast I was going, my mind began to go through the catalog of possible
things I could say in my defense. "I was headed to an important
appointment." "I was just about to slow down to turn."
"It's my 50th birthday. Can you show me a little mercy?" Of all the
things I could have said, "I'm not guilty", was not one of them.
Isaiah the prophet found himself in a similar place. Being
guilty that is. He was standing before God in his vision absolutely devastated
by all the horrible ugliness of sin in him that contrasted
sharply with the radiant divine glory. Added to the awareness of
his sin was all the dark-heartedness of his people too. Mercifully, in
that moment, God intervened with the coal of atonement and his guilt and sins
were gone.
Nobody needs to recite our litany of failures and sins. We've
wronged others and we know it. Too often, we drag our guilt and shame
through our days struggling to accept the fact that we don't have to anymore.
Jesus covered it all. Even when this world would see us stoned, Jesus steps in
and says, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more." Have you
fully embraced the wonder of being truly guiltless?
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