"Later Johanan had a private conference with Gedaliah and
volunteered to kill Ishmael secretly. 'Why should we let him come and murder
you?' Johanan asked. 'What will happen then to the Judeans who have returned?
Why should the few of us who are still left be scattered and lost?' But
Gedaliah said to Johanan. 'I forbid you to do any such thing, for you are lying
about Ishmael.' ... But in midautumn, Ishmael ...and his ten men suddenly drew
their swords and killed Gedaliah ..." Jeremiah 40:15-41:3
On more occasions than I can count, I've searched in vain for
any number of items around the house that I just knew "had to be here
somewhere." I've emptied drawers, emptied closets, climbed into attics,
and rummaged through the garage and shed with vigorous intensity only to
unearth frustration. It's at this point where my wife asks, "What are
you looking for?" I tell her. She says, "O, it's right
here." Ask. All I needed to do was ask.
In our story for the day, Gedaliah rejected the warning of
someone he believed wasn't being truthful. He assumed ulterior motives of some
kind and rejected his plan. In so doing, he signed his own death certificate.
It struck me, with Jeremiah the prophet within reach, he failed to simply
inquire of him to see what God had to say about the situation. A deadly
mistake that was totally avoidable.
While I was mulling over this major blunder of Gedaliah, it
occurred to me that his mistake is one that I far too often stumble into
myself. We're all making decisions on a regular basis. We are so confident in
ourselves that we often bypass both the wisdom of scripture and the wisdom
of others. A bad decision today may not cost us our lives, but it will exact a
price that we could have avoided. Simply, ask.
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