Seasoned Speech
"Conduct yourselves with wisdom towards those who are not
believers, making the most of every opportunity. Let your speech always be with
grace, as though seasoned with salt, so you will know how you should respond to
each person." Colossians 4:5-6
Upon realizing that the process was not going to be as efficient
as I originally thought, two paths were laid out in front of me. I could
whine, fuss and complain or I could patiently wait with a smile on my
face and communicate kindly to everyone involved. To God's glory, the latter
option was most prominent. Remaining respectful and calm helped everyone and
made it easy to be gracious to each other.
Paul, in his letter to this church, didn't want to sign off
before telling them in no uncertain about how to behave when with people who
don't share your beliefs. Wisely - so you don't miss any chance to let them
know how awesome Jesus is. Graciously - so that when you speak you
both preserve their dignity and provide a thirst inspiring flavor. That's
what salt does.
Our culture is vociferously antagonistic. "Get in my way? I
will run you over. Disagree with what I think? I will demonize you." How
do we function in the middle of such hostility? Wisely. Graciously. We must
embrace our roles as ambassadors of heaven. Live everyday with eternity in
view. Every person's soul matters to God and therefore should matter to us.
Please, don't get distracted.
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