The Purpose
"The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would
be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and
genuine faith. But some people have missed this whole point. They have turned
away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions." I
Timothy 1:5-6
As a teenager in the 80's, I watched puzzled as Mr. Miyagi kept
having Daniel LaRusso put wax on his cars in the movie Karate Kid. "Wax
on. Wax off." He then told him, "Paint the fence. Up. Down." It
wasn't until after days of this that Daniel ran out of patience and demanded to
know why he was doing all this work. It was then Mr. Miyagi revealed that he
had actually been teaching him karate defense moves.
Purpose. It's a big deal. We want to know the answer to
the why question. Paul wanted to be sure he had clearly communicated that
all important answer to Timothy. Specifically, "Why keep giving me
all these instructions Paul?" The answer? To be sure all Jesus
followers are filled with love. To get to the brim with love, a pure
heart, a clear conscience, and a genuine faith must be in place. Those are
realized only through instruction.
Too often, we miss this whole point. We think following Jesus is
about everything else other than what it's about. It's about loving God and
loving people. We follow the instructions provided by God in the Bible not
because that's the answer to the why question, but rather because that's what
will position us to successfully fulfill the purpose - to love like Jesus first
loved us.
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