No Rest

"O Jerusalem, I have posted watchman on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth." Isaiah 62:6-7

Having taken countless road trips with my family as well as in the course of ministry, one of the most welcome signs we saw while driving read "Rest Area." The mad dash to the restrooms, the opportunity to stretch our legs, or even share a picnic lunch were a welcome break from the endless asphalt paths. We've all experienced the refueling nature of rest firsthand.      

It's very surprising and truthfully a little startling to hear Isaiah say, "Take no rest" and "give the Lord no rest." However, he wasn't telling us to drive passed all the rest areas. He was calling all who believe in the Lord to pray, as Paul would say centuries later, "without ceasing." Absolutely, we all need rest. Isaiah's call, whether we are in action or resting, is to never push the pause button on our conversation with God.   
Most of us are very busy people. Rest is typically in short supply. It's ironic that all our activity is a primary cause for the disruption of one of the activities God says should never cease - talking with him. Jesus used the phrase, "remain in me" to describe this continuous present tense fellowship with him. There, we find fruitfulness, wisdom, and power for each new day he decides to give us.


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