We Don't Know

"O our God, won't you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We don't know what to do, but we are looking to you for help." II Chronicles 20
Splat!! After my third belly flop, the stinging and redness were getting a little intense. I was quickly coming to terms with the fact that I had no idea how to do a front flip off of a thirty-foot long rope swing. If not for the group of guys I was with, I probably would have conceded before my next few failed attempts. One of the guys who was laughing at me finally couldn't take it anymore. He quickly explained to me the little secret I had been missing. Determined, I grabbed the rope, jumped and successfully flipped! I still have the picture in my office to prove it.
King Jehoshaphat was a bit hit or miss when it came to following the Lord. This moment that was captured for all times was a direct hit. He got it 100% right. No belly flops needed to humble him and make him teachable. From the sound of the starting gun, he was right on track. What was it? What set the stage for this incredible divine intervention? He embraced the reality that he was absolutely clueless. I've got nothing. I know nothing. "Help Lord!" he humbly pleaded. In response to his sincere and humble cry for help, God chose to give it. 
The wisest people I know are those who know they don't know anything. Amazed by the immensity of God's person and their own smallness, they speak without arrogance. They are fully prepared and willing to be corrected. They don't need to argue why they know their idea is the best. Smugness is nowhere in their zip code. They are life giving people who are always learning. Their humility makes them attractive and approachable. Too many of us still know everything. Sadly, we keep belly flopping our way through life. Maybe someday, we'll sit with the wise.  


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