
"David appointed the following Levites to lead the people in worship before the ark of the Lord by asking for his blessings and giving thanks and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel."  - I Chronicles 16

Walking into the house, I noticed a wonderful smell coming from the oven. Chocolate chip cookies. Warm and gooey. Right out of the oven. I couldn't wait to dig in, so I did! They were as good as they looked and smelled. They were a product of grandma and granddaughter's stellar efforts. All the necessary ingredients were all over the counter, not to mention my granddaughter's clothes, face, hair and hands. They were properly mixed with exactly the right quantities and baked just the perfect amount of time. A masterpiece of culinary delight!!   

As David took his rightful place as king, his heart belonged to God. He knew that everything that he had received, the victories, the strength, the wisdom and the support of the people had all come from God. He wanted to and did lead the charge when it came to worship of God. He had the Levites bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with great celebration. They sang. They danced. They shouted. David even wrote a song for the occasion. In it, he included examples of some of the key ingredients of worship: asking, thanksgiving, and praise.  
These ingredients create a pleasing aroma in the throne room of God. To ask of God acknowledges that He is God and we are not. All good things come from him. To thank him is to express appreciation for those things he has given. To praise him is to proclaim his loving, gracious and generous character. As you examine your worship these days, do you see all of these ingredients? Are they in proper balance? Let's ask God to enable us to worship him properly. Let's thank him when he does. Let's praise him for his goodness in making worship possible!


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